1.   Although many nations are considering similar bills to deal with encrypted data, only Singapore and Malaysia have so far enacted them.

2.   And Congress is considering a bill introduced this month by Sens. Orrin Hatch and Edward Kennedy to nearly triple the excise tax on cigarettes.

3.   And the state is also considering a bill that would reimburse him for cleaning up the site.

4.   At least a dozen Internet privacy bills are being considered in the House.

5.   Becker also suggested that although Congress has often considered bills calling for the televising of trials, the legislative branch may not force courts to do so.

6.   Before they can vote on the merits of the issue, they will probably have to win a procedural vote over the rules for considering the bill.

7.   BILL WOULD ALTER MINE AGENCY Congress is considering a bill that would shrink the Mine Safety and Health Administration and strip it of its independence.

8.   Both the House and the Senate are considering bills that retroactively reinstate all or part of the tax break and extend it for varying amounts of time.

9.   A Senate committee today will consider bills that would cede national forest lands to northern New Mexico communities.

10.   A similar bill is being considered in the Senate.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
pass 9.37%
sign 6.22%
approve 5.78%
veto 5.68%
introduce 5.33%
oppose 3.10%
support 2.89%
foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
consider 1.33%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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